The last in my set of watercolor paintings themed on pickles. New subject matter and horizons to explore soon.
As fall sets into winter, remind yourself of the warm and lazy days with this ocean going pickle!
This is a digital sketch I did inspired by my current foster dog, Bambi. He’s a chihuahua who was originally a stray rescued in Los Angeles, and we started fostering him a couple months back through My Way Home Dog Rescue. Through these months of taking care of Bambi, we’ve learned a lot about […]
I saw Interstellar the other day.
Some more paintings, 3 left to do of this set. They are, in fact, already drawn, now I just need to slap some paint on them. So many projects to juggle these days, its an odd mixture of fun and frustration.
More to come, my plan is to do 12 of these absurdities and call it a day. Who knows, maybe they’ll go on tour!
Three more yet to come, but I’m starting off this set with some fermented transcendence.
My friend, Rhiannon R.S. had her birthday recently so I made her a watercolor of her favorite team from Pacific Rim. I wish there was more Cherno Alpha in that movie…
Thus concluding my Steven Universe sketch series. I think my next goal is to draw original characters in Manga Studio and sharpen up my character design skills. Stay tuned!