Trailer Park Warlock 10 Wraps It All Up! For Now…

At long last, Trailer Park Warlock 10 is here, with a storyline that brings back some familiar faces as well as some new ones and ties up the only loose end worth mentioning!  With Episode 10 also comes the end of what I originally considered the first book of this story.  It’s been a 3-year […]

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To Be Painted

It’s been a while since I last updated on here, but don’t worry, I haven’t been hibernating.   Rather I’ve been busy as a bee during this cold, cold winter working on several different projects including Trailer Park Warlock Episode 10, The Feeling Is Multiplied, some new Plants vs. Zombies books, secret projects, and everything you […]

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Trailer Park Warlock Episode 9 Is Ready!

 Wait no more!  2015’s first episode of Trailer Park Warlock is here!

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Trailer Park Warlock 9 In Progress

  Feels like I’ve been working on this episode for a year, but it’s coming near completion.  Drawn, inked, flatted, and now its time to pretty Trailer Park Warlock 9 for you folks.  Give it about 3 more weeks and I’ll have a new episode of the times and tribulations of Jake Baker up on […]

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Learning Manga Studio

  I’ve seen a lot of artists have some great results with Manga Studio.  A lot of people praise it for making the comics making process generally more streamlined. I’m definitely digging Manga Studio 5’s fill bucket feature, because it makes flatting Plants Vs. Zombies SO MUCH FASTER.  But I haven’t really used it much […]

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The Comics Roundup Reviews Trailer Park Warlock

This week in’s, The Comic Roundup, there’s a great write-up on Trailer Park Warlock as well as some other independent comics goodness, go check it out!

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Trailer Park Warlock Episode 7 Is Here!

There is a brand-new episode of Trailer Park Warlock for your reading pleasure! (May contain 18-wheelers and talking mayonnaise jars.)

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Trailer Park Warlock 7 Is Ever Closer!

Doing a final pass on polished colors and then it will be time to letter episode 7 of Trailer Park Warlock! Expect to see it up in the next two weeks!

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Trailer Park Warlock 7 In Progress

  A work in progress photo of Trailer Park Warlock Episode 7!  I’m up to flats at this point, so you should expect to see it around in the next two weeks! And yes, I’m playing League of Legends in between pages…

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